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  Coating Curve

 point Reflectance of all-dielectric high reflection sapphire laser mirror with antireflection coating @ 1908nm and HR coating @ 2097nm, AOI 45 degrees.
 point Transmittance of sapphire window with Dual band antireflection and hydrophobic coating @ 600 to 900nm and 3700 to 4800nm, AOI 0 degrees.
 point Reflectance of dual band antireflection coating, fused silica window 2.0mm thick, AOI 0 degrees.
 point All-dielectric high reflection coating @ 1064nm and antireflection coating @808nm, AOI=45 drgess, sapphire HR mirror.
 point Transmittance of fused silica band pass filter, CWL 460nm, cut-off 200nm to 900nm
 point Transmittance and Reflectance of Antireflection coating at 7um to 15um on 10.0mm thick Germanium window.
 point Reflectance of Anti-reflection coating on Hot-pressed MgF2 window at 3.7um to 4.8um, PDF curve.
 point PDF curve of Antireflection coating and Diamond-Like Carbon on Germanium substrate at 7um to 14um.
 point PDF curve of Enhanced gold coating on sapphire substrate.
 point Quality HR Coatings for infrared application. All dielectric high reflective coating of sapphire substrate at 1500nm to 1600nm.
 point PDF curve of sapphire narrow-band-pass filters at middle infrared wavelength. NBP @ 4.68nm, 4680nm.
 point DUV HR coating at 193nm, AOI=45 degrees , UV Fused Silica substrate.
 point PDF curve of Dual-band Antireflection coated sapphire window.
 point PDF curve of anti-reflective coated Germanium window at 8um to 12um.
 point PDF curve of mid-infrared anti-reflective coated sapphire window, comparative values of multiple angles of incidence.

  Product Photos or SPEC Sheets

 point AR Coated Sapphire window inventory table.
 point Fused Silica Bandpass filters inventory table.
 point Infrared Antireflection coated and Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC) coated standard germanium windows inventory table.
 point Sapphire windows with hydrophobic and oleophobic coating. The outermost film can repel water, oil, solvent or other liquids. Anti-reflective coatings are available and optimized in visible and near-infrared to middle infrared.
 point Hydrophobic and Oleophobic Sapphire Windows  hydrophobic sapphire windows

  Partial Raw Material Parameter Sheets

 point Sapphire Monocrystal (Al2O3)
 point Germanium


Sapphire Windows Sapphire Rods Light Guides tel: +86 25 83427907
Round Windows Micro Rods  
Rectangular Windows Sapphire Tips Sapphire Piston fax: +86 25 8342 6285
T-step Windows Tapered Rods  
Cone Windows     email:
Large Windows Sapphire Bearings Sapphire Blades
Micro Windows Sapphire Balls    
Wedge Windows Sapphire Bearings Sapphire Prisms
Custom Shaped      
  Sapphire Viewport Sapphire Mirrors
Sapphire Lenses    
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